Lab Report
A Customer submitted and paid for test of Ionic Colloidal Silver he purchased from us (tests by Natural-Immunogenics Corp. ) had the following results: Particle sizes from micrographs at 100,000x and 280,000x Min. 1nm Max. 46nm (the general definition of a colloid is particles from 1 to 1,000nm) pH = 6.45 Silver PPM = 6.96 (being less than 9 umhos/cm means all ionic) Clarity = clear Conductivity = 9 umhos/cm Osometry of zero Tyndal = very low "The antibacterial activity as tested on two strains of staphylococcus aureus (wild type and MRSA) was clearly better than many colloidal silvers on the market . In 4 and 8 minute inhibition challenge tests against 200PPM and 300PPM silver nitrate (at pH=7) the sample was significantly superior , but not as good as 325PPM silver nitrate (Silver nitrate is the de facto silver ion test source)." (underline ours)